To deliver the highest quality of comprehensive health care and support.

To help people reach life-affirming health and wellness and enjoy an increased sense of well-being.

To be a resource in Marin County for those who choose to achieve stress reduction, enjoy pain relief, strengthen, and stabilize the immune system, and envision and achieve a healthy, productive, and satisfying life.

The Marin Health Empowerment Center affirms these values …

  • Life affirming
  • Empowers health
  • Wellness heart centered
  • Love of balance in life

The Marin Health Empowerment Center Way:

  • Live an enlightened life
  • Give exemplary customer service
  • Exemplify trust and reliability
  • Charge affordable costs
I grew up in Pennsylvania in the fifties, the middle child of three. My grandparents and parents owned and operated a local restaurant which specialized in quality, homemade food. Everything was made from scratch, including their own mayonnaise, salad dressings, bread, cakes, pies, ice cream, spaghetti sauce, and more. Watching my grandfather live to 103, I was grateful to see the proof that fueling my body with high quality nutrients would pay off.

After attending college in the Midwest, the California climate and healthy lifestyle prompted me to move west in 1978. I lived first in San Francisco, then moved to San Anselmo in 1985. I have loved being here ever since.  

Call or text 415.299.9887 or email Connie at conprolac@gmail.com

There is nothing magical about this work, it is just a process of getting things out of the way to be able to see the deeper truths of what has created our lives, our health, and our world. 

Make This Year Your Healthiest Year Yet!