How I learned to think differently while in my 30’s…and went back to school!
Healthy and active for most of my life, my health took a downturn in my 30’s. My main symptoms were acid reflux, bloating, gas, joint pain, muscle aches, headaches, frequent colds, and fatigue. There were many times after eating when I could not keep my eyes open. With a full-time job and 2 young sons, time off was not possible so I first turned to Western medicine.
After visiting many doctors and having a multitude of tests, I was told:
- There was nothing wrong with me
- I was just getting old
- I should stop running
- I was suffering from postpartum depression (my son was 3 ½ at the time)
- Everyone feels that way, so it is normal.
I refused to accept these diagnoses and sought out complementary medicine. I found a chiropractor who could determine allergies from muscle testing and, later, computer testing. She determined that:
- I was highly allergic to most of the foods I was eating
- I had environmental allergies
- With my toxic load overflowing, I was reacting to everything I ate or breathed.
After a few months of treatments with her, with a focus on eliminating what caused my allergies, I felt better, less tired, and reacted less to foods. It took three years to eliminate the root causes of most of my allergies and expand my diet. I was so grateful that I made the decision to learn to help people in that way.
I left my insurance career of twenty years and began my studies to become an acupuncturist and earn a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, a 3-year program. With two young boys at home, I knew I would be challenged but I pledged to follow my passion to help others.
After passing the State and National Board Exams in 2000, I started my own practice, integrating acupuncture with BioSET, the energy work that had saved my life.
I continue to learn and add effective modalities including Neuromodulation Technique, Emotional Freedom Technique, Neurolink, and most recently, Intuition Medicine®. Using a combination of these techniques myself has resulted in my continued health and wellness. I no longer suffer from my former food and environmental allergies and body pain. I enjoy a vitality that I have had before. Now in my 60’s, I continue to enjoy symptom free health and wellness which includes daily meditation, exercise, and multiple walks with my dog daily.
I am very grateful to have the opportunity to help others restore the health and wellness that they deserve.